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Republican Women of Greater North Texas 
February Meeting 
Purchase Tickets
Is the Bible Coming Into Texas Classrooms?
 Monthly Luncheon Meeting

February 11, 2025 11am - 1pm

RWGNTis pleased to welcome our speaker, District 12 State Board of Education, Pam Little.

Pam will address the recent SBOE vote on integrating the Bible back into Texas Public Schools with Bluebonnet Instructional Materials.This decision was a curriculum change initiated by Governor Abbott. Families with students in our Texas schools need to hear Pam's overview of how this unprecedented change will affect our children and schools for years to come.

Do not miss this informative important presentation.!


 Stonebriar Country Club

 5050 Country Club Dr, Frisco Tx 75034 

11:00 am registration and check in, 11:25 am Buffet lunch,

11:45 am meeting begins, 1:00 pm meeting ends

Renew your membership or join today!

Want to “Make America Great Again” Get the hat to prove it!!!

Update and renew your membership for 2025 in Republican Women of Greater North Texas during the month of February and receive a Trump hat (limited quantity) or other great gift!!  All 2024 memberships become delinquent on March 1st and you don’t want to miss the opportunity for exciting updates and information from our club, from TFRW, and NFRW!   This is going to be THE BEST YEAR EVER in the life of RWGNT and we need you on board to help us!!!

Membership Committee:

Sue Reeves, Martha Will, Marty Sutton-Garner



Today's Women sharing Republican Ideals

Come meet the Republican Women of Greater North Texas! RWGNT is one of the most vibrant women's clubs in North Texas. Whether you're new to the area, new to political involvement, or just need the encouragement of fellow conservatives, RWGNT welcomes you!

Meetings and Events for Busy Women
We empower women to become involved in the political process through education, training, and opportunity. Our club works to elect Republican candidates, provide educational scholarships to young women, and serve our community through volunteerism. There’s a reason so many outstanding women choose Republican Women of Greater North Texas. You can be one too! 
What We Do
Become a Member Today
There is strength in numbers, and as an affiliate of both the National Federation of Republican Women and the Texas Federation of Republican Women, we know that we have a much broader impact when we come together. We're not just a group of like-minded women having lunch once a month. We are a political force to be reckoned with! 
Do you know someone that would like to become a member? Consider giving the gift of fellowship! 


Become A Member

Meeting Dec
Monthly Luncheon Meetings, Socials and Events

Our monthly luncheons are a quick and fun way to meet candidates and elected officials, hear the most current legislative updates, and make new friends with similar interests. We also host Summertime “socials” and evening events. Check our calendar for upcoming dates. 


Our Mission

Empower women to become involved in the political process through education, training, and opportunity.

2023 Copyright. All rights reserved. | This is not an endorsement of RWGNT, its President or its Campaign Activities Chairman. Candidate information is to help you make an informed decision and get involved with the candidate of your choice. Political Advertising Paid for by RWGNT PAC Treasurer. Contributions are not federal tax deductible as charitable contributions. Corporate Contributions Are Not Permitted. Our mailing address is: Republican Women of Greater North Texas, P.O. Box 2353, Frisco, TX 75034.