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HomeEvents CalendarFebruary Monthly Meeting

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February Monthly Meeting

About this event

Is the Bible Coming Into Texas Classrooms?

The Republican Women of Greater North Texas are pleased to welcome District 12
State Board of Education Pam Little as our speaker. Pam will address the recent SBOE vote on integrating the Bible back into Texas Public Schools with Bluebonnet Instructional Materials.

This decision was a curriculum change initiated by Governor Abbott.
Families with students in our Texas schools need to hear Pam's overview of how this unprecedented change will affect our children and schools for years to come.

Do not miss this informative important presentation.!

Date and Time

Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 11:00 AM until 1:00 PM


Stonebriar Country Club
5050 Country Club Dr
Frisco, TX  75034

Additional Info

Event Contact(s)

Suzy Boyle


Monthly Meeting

Registration Info

Registration is closed - Event is full
Payment In Full In Advance Only
See purchase tickets button on the right or scroll down. Open to the Public, members are asked to log in to purchase tickets. In order to give an accurate count for lunch, all members and guests who RSVP must pay $30 online in advance. Thank you for your understanding.
Cancellation Policy:
In order to give an accurate count for lunch, all members and guests who RSVP must pay $30 online. Thank you for your understanding.
2023 Copyright. All rights reserved. | This is not an endorsement of RWGNT, its President or its Campaign Activities Chairman. Candidate information is to help you make an informed decision and get involved with the candidate of your choice. Political Advertising Paid for by RWGNT PAC Treasurer. Contributions are not federal tax deductible as charitable contributions. Corporate Contributions Are Not Permitted. Our mailing address is: Republican Women of Greater North Texas, P.O. Box 2353, Frisco, TX 75034.