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HomePam Scholarship

Pam Little Texas SBOE Scholarship $3000


The Pam Little Scholarship honors Pam Little’s service on the State Board of Education since November 2018. Pam Little has served as vice chair of the Committee on Instruction, which oversees areas such as curriculum, instructional materials, gifted and talented education, graduation requirements, and education for individuals with disabilities. In January 2021, she was elected by fellow members as vice chair of the State Board of Education and her leadership role will run through January 2023. She was re-elected to this position in November 2022. She is a consistent supporter of RWGNT Scholarships and continues to be an active community volunteer. 


Applicants must be a United States citizen who resides within Texas Senate District 8.
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Scholarship Criteria
Scholarship Criteria

Scholarship Criteria: 

  1. Must be a female, high school senior pursuing an undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university. 
  2. Must have completed a minimum of 75 community service hours during her four years of high school. 
  3. Must have maintained a 3.0 GPA or better during her four years in high school, on a 4.0 scale. 

A complete application must include the following: 

  • Official application form. 

  • Three letters of recommendation. At least one of these letters must be from a current or former teacher and/or Guidance Counselor. The remaining two recommendations must be from non-family members. 

  • An official transcript from current school. 

  • A typed essay of a minimum of 350 words and not more than 500 words on the following: What do the results of the 2022 mid-term elections indicate for the future of the Republican party? How can the Republican Party build on those results going forward to win back the White House in 2024?
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